Founded in 1993, “Rehabilitation” Prosthetic-Orthopedic Center specializes on production of the highest quality upper and lower extremity prosthetics. Since establishment of the center, we became experts in our business – several thousands patients received qualified assistance and returned to sound and normal life. Every our device substitutes or completes function of a human body part – the most recent components, innovative materials and technologies, and, first of all, skills and experience of our specialists made possible satisfaction of specific needs of every our patient, and made our devices comfortable and of high quality. Prosthetic and orthotic devices are produced individually, they maximally account for person lifestyle and activity, return the possibility of remaining an active and able to work society member. Provision of high-profile service for patients to enable them to reach maximal functional activity and independence in the shortest term – this is our mission. The very special aspect of our success is maximally individual approach to prosthetics: we provide professional consultations, discuss all possible variants of problem solution, provide maximum of information and detailed recommendations – this makes our patients well-informed and always satisfied with the final result. In September 2006 in order to satisfy the growing demand for modern and high-quality prosthetic and orthotic devices the renovated prosthetic-orthopedic center “Rehabilitation” opened its doors. Comfortable reception room, several commodious fitting-rooms, rehabilitation hall, new production area – all for the patients’ needs. The new center has been designed according to the international branch standards.